The Compendium is intended as a companion to the 2015 Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action and its companion resource, the GBV Pocket Guide. The guidance was developed through the efforts of 15 organizations who contributed expertise in the inception, design and review of the document. The process was led and funded through support of CARE USA on behalf the CVA and GBV advisory group of the GBV Guidelines Reference Group.
The Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines serves as a tool for NAMPOL, as the lead agency for auditing and to assess effectiveness of GBV services at GBVPU. It also provides guidelines and benchmarks to use to measure the effectiveness of the GBV services provided and provide the tools to needed do so.
Administrative data is crucial to better understand violence against women (VAW) and to inform prevention and responses to VAW. This publication identifies eight steps for improving the collection and use of VAW administrative data and makes recommendations for data producers and policymakers.
This manual and the associated practitioner toolkit form a comprehensive package to support researchers and members of the humanitarian community in
conducting ethical and technically sound research, monitoring and/or evaluation (RME) on gender-based violence (GBV) within refugee and conflict-affected populations.
This Evaluation Handbook is a practical guide to help those initiating, managing and/or using gender-responsive evaluations by providing direction, advice and tools for every step in the evaluation process: planning, preparation, conduct, reporting, evaluation use and follow up. Although specific to UN Women evaluation processes, the Evaluation Handbook may be useful to international development evaluators and professionals, particularly those working on gender equality, women’s empowerment and human rights.
GENPAR, or the Gender in Infectious Disease Epidemic Preparedness And Response Toolkit, is a set of benchmarks and tools to integrate gender into select core capacities of the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005. GENPAR provides a set of actions (WHAT to do) as well as a range of tools (HOW to do it) to achieve each benchmark in integrating gender into the preparedness and response capacities covered by the toolkit. Using GENPAR, gender can be integrated into selected capacities step-by-step.
CARE’s Gender Marker is a self-assessment program quality and learning tool. It measures the integration of gender into programming along the CARE Gender Continuum from harmful to transformative. The Gender Marker enables CARE to track, improve on, and support more effective, gender integrated programming. The Gender Marker is designed to be used in combination with Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability systems to help teams reflect on the integration of gender in order to learn from and improve the gendered approach of their work.
This document provides concrete guidance for organizations on how to comprehensively and explicitly integrate gender in their M&E system. It describes how to make each component of a functioning M&E system gender-sensitive and provides guidance on how to assess the organization’s M&E system to ensure that gender is fully integrated throughout the system for appropriate collection, compilation, analysis, reporting, dissemination, and use of gender data for decision making.
These practical guidelines are intended to help all those who work on results-based monitoring (RBM). They focus on the specific challenges of integrating the topic of gender equality by drawing up a solid gender analysis that documents and describes the gender-specific situations, challenges and opportunities and translates these into specific activities and interventions; systematically documenting the positive and negative effects that any activities and interventions have on gender relations and on the different life situations and concerns of women and men by setting up ‘an adequate monitoring system’.
This tool kit aims to assist development practitioners to ensure that gender perspectives are incorporated into development initiatives, and to monitor and evaluate gender equality results. The toolkit is designed for development policy makers, planners, implementers, and evaluators. The tool kit will assist specialists in particular sectors to identify gender equality results and indicators; it may also be used by gender specialists who work across a range of sectors.